These Topic Includes the Below topics.
Let's see one by one of above topics briefly.
Definition of Advertising
According to Philip kotlers "Advertising is any paid form of non Personal presentation of ideas , Goods and Services by an Identified sponsor"
According to (AMA) American Marketing Association "Advertising is any paid form of non Personal presentation and Promotion of Ideas, Goods and Services by an Identified sponsor".
Objectives of Advertising
In the Word of Philip Kotlers , Advertising has three primary objectives that is ;
- To Inform
- To Persuade
- To Remind
Objectives of Advertising Also Classified into Two categories;
1.General Objectives
2.Specific Objectives
Let us see these two categories briefly.
1.General Objectives
General objectives are followed by Every Companies without Exception. General Objectives are may be Classified into Two categories these are ;
- Stimulating Demand
- Increasing profits of the Firm
2.Specific Objectives
- Introducing New products
- Promoting Brand Name
- Support Personal Selling
- Increasing Sales
- Reaching Inaccessible Buyers
- Selection of Proper Media
- Facing Competition
- Increasing Market Share
Nature of Advertising
Nature of Advertising as Follows;
1. Element of Marketing Mix :
Advertising is the Important component of the Promotional Mix. Promotional Mix in turn is a Component of Marketing Mix such as Price, Product, Promotion and Physical Distribution are the Four Main elements of the Marketing Mix.
2.Promotional Mix :
Advertising is a Important element of Promotional Mix. Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Publicity and Advertising is the Four elements in the Promotional Mix.
3.Mass Communication :
Mass communication is the basic Feature of an Advertisement. Mass communication means up reach over the Unlimited Customers at a same Time in the Selected Media.
4.Price of Advertising :
Advertising activity is undertaken by advertising agencies and the Price of advertising may vary from one agency to another and also on the basis of Time, Language, length of Advertisement etc.,
5.Sponsor :
An Advertisement is Sponsored by an Identified Advertiser with the Ideas of Advertisement.
6.Persuasive :
Advertisements are Informs, Entertains and Ultimately Persuade the Group of Customers to buy goods or Services by the Attractive Advertisements.
7.Identifiable :
At the Point of view of Sponsor's as well as customers Advertisements are Identifiable.
Scope of Advertising
The Scope of Advertising is Described below on the basis of Activities and Objectives ans Functions.
1. Effectiveness of Messages
2.Appropriate Media
3.Advertising Functions
4.Responsiblity of Advertiser
5.Fulfillment of Objectives
6.Generates various Activities
7.Advertising as Art and Science