Corporate Accounting 1 - Important Theory Q/A



  1. What is Share ?
  2. Write the types of Share.
  3. What is mean by Under Subscription?
  4. What you mean by Over subscription?
  5. What is calls-in-arrears and Calls-in-advance ?
  6. What you mean by Forfeiture of Shares ?
  7. Explain Re-issue of share.
  8. What is Balance sheet ?
  9. State the Meaning of Preference Shares?
  10. What you mean by Equity Shares?
  11. Explain Redemption of Preference Shares.
  12. Write about Acquisition of Business.
  13. What you mean by Net asset method ?
  14. What you mean by Net payment Method ?
  15. Explain Profit Prior to Incorporation.
  16. Explain the term Sales and Time Ratio.
  17. Why notes to accounts prepared ?
  18. What is meant by revenue from operations ?
  19. State any Two items appearing under other income.
  20. Give the Meaning of cost of Materials consumed
  21. Name any two items that appears under finance cost.
  22. State any two items that appear under employees benifit expenses
  23. How will you deal with preliminary expenses in final accounts of companies ?
  24. Give a Short note on shareholder's funds.
  25. State the meaning of Non Current Assets
  26. State the meaning of Non Current Liabilities
  27. What are tangible assets ?
  28. Give some examples of Intangible Assets .
  29. Define current Assets.
  30. How will you deal with provision for tax in final accounts of companies ?
  31. Define the term dividend.
  32. What is mean by interim Dividend?
  33. What do you know about proposed dividend ?
  34. How will you deal with interest of debentures ?
  35. How will you deal with cost of issue of shares and debentures ?

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