- What is Share ?
- Write the types of Share.
- What is mean by Under Subscription?
- What you mean by Over subscription?
- What is calls-in-arrears and Calls-in-advance ?
- What you mean by Forfeiture of Shares ?
- Explain Re-issue of share.
- What is Balance sheet ?
- State the Meaning of Preference Shares?
- What you mean by Equity Shares?
- Explain Redemption of Preference Shares.
- Write about Acquisition of Business.
- What you mean by Net asset method ?
- What you mean by Net payment Method ?
- Explain Profit Prior to Incorporation.
- Explain the term Sales and Time Ratio.
- Why notes to accounts prepared ?
- What is meant by revenue from operations ?
- State any Two items appearing under other income.
- Give the Meaning of cost of Materials consumed
- Name any two items that appears under finance cost.
- State any two items that appear under employees benifit expenses
- How will you deal with preliminary expenses in final accounts of companies ?
- Give a Short note on shareholder's funds.
- State the meaning of Non Current Assets
- State the meaning of Non Current Liabilities
- What are tangible assets ?
- Give some examples of Intangible Assets .
- Define current Assets.
- How will you deal with provision for tax in final accounts of companies ?
- Define the term dividend.
- What is mean by interim Dividend?
- What do you know about proposed dividend ?
- How will you deal with interest of debentures ?
- How will you deal with cost of issue of shares and debentures ?